Rx Works Signs Prefered Partner Agreement With Cubex® Pharmacy And Supply Technology Solutions

Phoenix, AZ (May 22, 2015) - Cubex, a leading provider of pharmacy and supply management solutions to the healthcare market, today announced a preferred partnership with RxWorks, a leading practice management software provider, to co-market Cubex automated technology solutions. 

The preferred partnership will provide RxWorks® [www.rxworks.com] users with Cubex automated dispensing cabinets installed, greater efficiencies in practice management using a joint interface between the two companies that was developed in the latter part of 2014.  The integrated offering enables data sharing and centralizes patient treatment information between Cubex and RxWorks via three distinct interfaces:  patient admission/discharge (ADT), patient medication availability (Profile) and billing.

RxWorks is the first veterinary practice management software company to offer interoperability in all three areas creating significant efficiencies in the animal health care environment by reducing manual process which create duplication in workflow, decreasing the number of missed charges and improving compliance with regulatory guidelines.

"We are delighted to establish two-way information exchange between RxWorks and Cubex cabinets.  The benefits it brings fit perfectly into our goal of helping practices turn missed opportunities into profits," said Bryan Williams, RxWorks' Marketing Manager. "Billing and inventory management have always been a part of RxWorks, but we understand the potential for mistakes that are inherent in any manual dispensing process.  This new automated function gives the security and discipline that's needed to prevent those expensive errors."

At the core of the new solution are Cubex [www.cubexsystem.com] automated dispensing cabinets. When a patient is checked into the practice using RxWorks, the patient's data and medication order profile is entered and an invoice is created for the patient.  This information is then automatically sent to the Cubex cabinet. When the technician logs into the cabinet, they select the patient and the medication order profile is presented on the screen.  The technician selects the medications they wish to remove from the list and dispenses them from the cabinet. Next, the transaction data is sent back to RxWorks to reconcile what was created on the original invoice for the patient.  If additional items were removed for the patient, that were not originally on the Rx invoice, they will be added to the invoice automatically for billing.

This closed loop system tracks supplies and medications as they're used which significantly improves accuracy. The Cubex cabinets have ample storage space as well as refrigerated item management options, plus password and fingerprint-protected entry to keep inventory secure.

"It's become essential for practice management systems and inventory management devices to talk to each other in order to improve efficiency and accuracy across complex processes like medication and controlled substance management," said Anton Visser, President and CEO of Cubex. "Delivering technology that supports and enhances clinical workflow across the practice is a key priority for us as we work to help our customers reduce costs and increase bottom-line revenue."

Please contact Cubex at sales@cubexsystem.com for further information.

About Cubex®

Cubex® is a global provider of health care products and services that help practices measurably reduce the total cost of ownership associated with pharmacy and supplies. The company develops market-leading technologies including Cubex® automated dispensing systems, Cubex Rx narcotic management stations, QBud wireless access devices, and the myCubex™ web-hosted software and business intelligence application.

More information may be found at www.cubexsystem.com

About RxWorks

RxWorks, Inc. has provided practice management software to veterinarians for over 20 years.  The company's focus is to help better manage all aspects of the business.  By providing unrivalled software, content and hardware, we continue to grow.   RxWorks software spans 19 countries, and is used by over 1,500 clients that represent every type of practice, including corporate groups and teaching hospitals. 

More information may be found at www.rxworks.com

Cubex is a registered trademark of Cubex.

RxWorks is a registered trademark of RxWorks.


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